Jenkins Project creation and multiple options for build for Continues integration.

The installation procedure we discussed in the previous blog. We shall start with creation of a new project and find the various built options available with jenkins. 

Make sure the Jenkins.war is running using the command prompt using commenad 

java -jar jenkins.war.

Once it is up and running you will get the login page on setting up of admin password and install recommend plugins as discussed in the previous blog.

Log in to the Jenkins dashboard with the admin password.

Once logged in you can find the screen as below. Find the "new Item"

Click on the new item tab and you will find the below screen. Here we have multiple options. Based on the requirement stated at your company, you will be choosing the project type. You will enter the project name for further access.

Here we choose "Freestyle project" to discuss in brief the options available in the jenkins. Lets dive deep inside with options available.

As below screen we can find the multiple segments available with the jenkins for selection.

"General" tab, we will be providing a short description of the project, and as you can see the checkbox with multiple options available. You will be choosing based on the project requirement. You can get to know the options on a glance. If you need any point in brief, please let me know in comment box.

Source code management

As the jenkins tool is used mainly for the CI(Continuous Integration), we can select the options based on the type of design that is used. 

Lets discuss a little on the selection of Git as your code location. We have options of "push" and "pull" in the Git. Multiple developers can access the code in parallel. The latest code is available with all the members of the team. We can trigger build on push of code to main branch this option can be discussed below. 

Built Trigger

As you can observe the options available with the build to be conducted. We can trigger the build based on the requirement. Either through script or by means of trigger.

Build Environment

Options for the build environment can be selected based on the requirement of project. This differs from project to project. So, I am not going into a specific option. you can understand on a glance which options to choose. If you have any doubt, please feel free to comment and will explain in detail. If there is any struck of test case failures build can be stopped or can be continued. These selections completely differ based on our requirements. 


Similar options, to manage the build. These can trigger other software components available in our environment. Help to execute the scripts or batch commands before or after built to complete the build process.

Post Build Actions

What to be done after the build success. this include test case report generation. Understanding the build updates and share the build report with team can be done with the option.


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