Jenkins installation and admin password setup and access Jenkins in browser.

 Make sure JDK 8 is installed on the device. 

Open the command prompt and search the command java -version

If not available, download from the below link and intsll with a single click.

Download the Jenkins war file from the below URL, click the first link were the updated version is available for download.

Save the admin key that is generated

See the message fo jenkins UP and running 

Once you see the message, Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8080/

You will find the below screen

Unlock the jenkins with the saved admin password. this is to be done for one time.

Create Admin user with customised password

Select Install Suggested Plugins

The plugin installation starts, It will take few minutes

Once the plugin installation is done, the dashboard is ready to access. It appears as below.

For creation of a project in the Jenkins visit next blog


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